2007年11月3日 星期六

Topic 8: ESL/EFL writing and Odiogo

Odiogo not Oreal cookies! This is a cool tool that you must become familiar with as an EFL learner since it helps you vocalize your blog automatically. I personally feel the audio sound has positive effects on my English learning while I am reading an article. The sound reinforces my memory about the texts and becomes another type of clue. Do you have the same feeling? Let me know what you think of it after your investigation! Cheers~

Topic 7: ESL/EFL Writing and Google Docs

Have a problem storing your essays or share your writing with others? Let me introduce you to a free and easy tool, Google Docs. You will be exploring a multitude of functions that can help you organize your documents, and of course this will be beneficial to your writing too. If you have used Google Docs before, please tell me how this program was used in writing. If you are a new user, take a look at the program and then let me know what you think of this tool and its possible application to EFL writing.

Topic 6: ESL/EFL writing and MySpace

Do you have your own space online? Did you know MySpace is very popular and widely used in the US? Got some time to explore it? I am sure you will find the integrated interface full of text, pictures, audios, and so forth. From an EFL learner's perceptive, would it be possible to integrate MySpace in the classroom for helping with writing activities? What are some activities you would like to do on MySpace?

Topic 5: ESL/EFL writing and YouTube

Youtube released the Chinese interface recently. Did you know this good news? As an IT(Instructional Technology) major, I use it quite often to search for information about the different topics for my projects. I am sure Youtube is of great help for EFL writing. You may find many interesting topics or use people's feedback as writing prompts. Please let me know your opinion of this online resource.

Topic 4: ESL/EFL writing and Facebook

Do you use Facebook? What? You have no idea about what I am talking about? Just kidding! Facebook is one of the most useful social networking tools, which help people to find each other and communicate on line. Please try to spend some time setting up a page for yourself if possible, and reflect on how you may use it for EFL writing.

Topic 3: ESL/EFL writing and Wiki

Wiki, known as a co-writing medium, has been used in language learning recently. Have you used Wiki, for any writing projects? What you think of the interface design and the different functions of Wiki? How would you rate its practicality and usability? Exactly how did you use Wiki in your writing? Are there any advantages or disadvantages compared to the traditional paper-based writing?

Topic 2: ESL/EFL writing and blogs

Have you ever used blogs for composing your writing? What's your impression of them? How do you like them? Do you feel you learn more when you write in a blog compared to the traditional paper-based writing? Do you think these online tools facilitate process writing (brainstorming, editing, revising, and publishing)?

Topic 1: About yourself

Please share with is your background and learning experience in EFL writing. What kind of problems do you have? What do you like and dislike about writing? WE will be discussing relevant issues to help you improve your writing skills! Let's explore the writing journey together!