2007年11月3日 星期六

Topic 7: ESL/EFL Writing and Google Docs

Have a problem storing your essays or share your writing with others? Let me introduce you to a free and easy tool, Google Docs. You will be exploring a multitude of functions that can help you organize your documents, and of course this will be beneficial to your writing too. If you have used Google Docs before, please tell me how this program was used in writing. If you are a new user, take a look at the program and then let me know what you think of this tool and its possible application to EFL writing.

32 則留言:

豪子 提到...

I've used Google Docs since it's still in beta version. During these days, Google has improved much on the user interface of Google Docs. In my opinion, now it's really a good tool for editing articles and worth to introduce to your friends. One of my favorite features is sharing documents to others. You can invite other people as not only viewers but also collaborators. Because of this feature, you can write an article and then invite your teacher to review that article, and furthermore your teacher can correct or revise sentences IMMEDIATELY. In other words, collaborators can edit one document at the same time. It's really efficient for people to discuss articles via Internet.

豪子 提到...

Sorry, I found Google Docs is STILL in beta version. However, Google Docs is still a great Internet application.

Kyle Huang 提到...

How, thank you for brining up the issue of the beta. I didn't know that since Google Docs looks well-designed. I totally agree Google Docs supports the implementation of online collaborative writing and team work, and it's handy. One class I am taking now at UT uses it almost every week, and people quickly shoot their ideas on it either synchronously or asynchronously. Technology does shorten our distance and offer more varieties and possibilities, but yet requiring tech-savvy users to make things come true!

想念大海的雲 提到...

Let me talk something about Google Docs and Google Spreadsheet. And now, google present. I tried google docs long time ago as a google support user (evil MS, you know). I gave up pretty soon. I also tried Google spreadsheet one month ago. It is because the Excel 2007's calculation accuracy problem so I use Google Spreadsheet to verify my model result. However, I do not find strong reasons or incentives for me to use those services. First, is it only an alternative for desktop software? If it is, working on my desktop doesn't bother me at all, even is more convenient. Ok, I know MS Office is expensive. But it is not me pay for it. If I can not afford that, I can think about openoffice in linux. As a two platforms user (linux/Windows), I care more about the compatibility of MS office and OpenOffice rather than finding third alternative. However, I believe a significant part for Google Docs is we can share our documents with others. Then everyone can join the editing or discussion. But I am only a graduate student, it is not necessary for me to be responsible to many people. The hierarchy system for my life is simple, me and my advisor. I only need to send doc file to him and let him edit that. It is unilateral editing process. The function of tracking change is already good enough for me. And my life is struggling enough. I do not want make more effort to convince my advisor try Google Doc. Google Docs? I need more motivations transferring to those services. I definitly will try Goolge Present later. Maybe it will provide something new and interesting other than docs and spreadsheet.

想念大海的雲 提到...

By the way, would Zoho be better than Google? Some of my friends prefer using Zoho. Google sometimes looks like another emerging MS. But I am still looking forward Google can successful and well integrate all its products rather than piece by piece.
Whatever, we should not monopolize our think in the web 2.0 age.

Kyle Huang 提到...

Hi Gene, I enjoy reading your post. Your ideas always give me insight and reflection on the different topics. Concerning your current work and job position, I totally understand why you regard Google Doc as a substitute of desktop software. Although Google Doc may not help you too much, it is free and comes with the feature of sharing, thus enabling many K-12 teachers to easily adopt it in the subject areas under limited educational funding. For teachers who plan to provide students with an online collaborative learning environment, Google doc will certainly be a good choice. If possible, I would like to conduct an empirical study in high school and investigate the impact of it! One more thing, Zoho (http://www.zoho.com) is recommended by my American IT classmate because her students like it. Personally I feel the interface looks so clean and easy to use! Good user-centered design. Cheers~

吉兒小姐 提到...

I agree with 豪子 that Google Docs provides an IMMEDIATELY interactions between you and the one you wanna share the doc. It sounds a good example to share with your teacher to correct your article in short time. Though we all agree that Google Doc is really not a user-friendly version yet. I'm also a big fan of Google. I love Gmail, Picasa and Google search. But Google Docs -- it's based on the internet, so the edit space becomes smaller. That's the point I don't like. I use it to save some information or recipes I, so I can get the infromation any place with internet- just like Gmail.

Kyle Huang 提到...

The constraints that Jill talked about are probably the disadvantages of using free Internet tools. I personally enjoy Google search and Google scholar for locating research ideas or articles. Google really offers a lot of cool things, doesn't it?

yilings 提到...

After using the Google Docs, I find that it can reveal how many times we revised. I can see the changes of my thoughts towards the same topic.

onlywrite 提到...

I've used Google Docs in my writing class. It is really a convenient tool. But I still not use it well. I think I will use it more often and share the experience with you. ^^

Evelyn 提到...

Wow, you really experienced many kinds of Internet tools for EFL writing. I am a new user to Google Doc, but my teacher had introduced it in our EFL writing class. It seems many people enjoy using it.

yiwen 提到...

Hello, I am using the Google Docs now for my English writing assignments. I like it very much since I can send e-mail and some pictures through it, besides, it also helps me post my writing to my blog. It is a very very good tool.

yiwen 提到...

I hope I can learn more about Google Docs.

Carolyn 提到...

Google Docs seems to be a useful tool, I believe that my writing will be more colorful by use it.

Kyle Huang 提到...

Hi Mia, Evelyn, Yiwen, and Carolyn, I can't agree with your points more. Actually, the more multi-tasking functions an interface has, the better chances we are going to utilize it. Imagine how useful Google Doc would be if we had to coop with people in the different geographic location and time zone all over the world. Last week my team just finished an online simulation presentation by Google Doc, and we all felt Google Doc is superb to share ideas and files. Networking just happens under the instant click(s) of your mouse!

vulcanelf 提到...

I think I am a new user of Google Docs. After using this tool, I feel that it is convenient for writing.

想念大海的雲 提到...

Google Docs may have a more difficult time later.

After evil empire Microsoft announced their live strategy two years ago, they finally build their own on-line platform. Recently, MS releases a series of services which definitely direct to Google who has mastered this field for a while. Even some of these services are still beta version; MS shows its capacity to step in web2.0 market. Windows Live
Gallery is equivalent to Picasa while Windows Live Calendar to Google Calendar, Windows Live Product Search to froogle, Windows Live Academic Search is to Google scholar...etc. Among them, the most threatening one, according to my opinion, is Microsoft Office live workspace. I never believe MS could be better in search engine than Google such as Google search and google scholar. But I wonder could Google Docs can still be survive after MS live workspace is released.

Google has made effort to develop Google Docs for a while. But we even can not find its compelling influence. Zoho, which is a relative small company comparing to Google, still does better in some points. Now, MS is coming. MS Office dominates the word-processing and other office softwares in PC for several years. Almost everyone use .doc, .xls and .ptt files. Only if MS can make live workspace as good as their desktop office, I will be in. Why? First it makes me be able to use office without pay office tax. Second, now, I can edit files on-line and get out rid of terrible MS windows. I do not need to wait more then 10 mins to start fantastic Vista and Office 2007.

Personally I am just looking for the alternative of desktop office software. The main concern for me is the compatibility and convenience. MS live workspace could easy beat Google from these two points. I am being worried about the future of Google Docs. Any reason for us to continuously support it rather than other rivals' products? Loyalty? I wonder. There is no loyalty in web2.0 age.

Kyle Huang 提到...

Hi Gene, I enjoy reading your response. Your ideas enable to rethink the reason for using a freeware from the perspectives of the IT market and its customers’. It seems that MS is ready for this battle by offering equivalent tools to Google’s. I agree there loyalty from users may be an issue in the Web2.0 age since the technologies change rapidly and new products keep emerging and popping out. We (users) are the "bosses", and we definitely call the shots! Designing for durability and usability will be an imperative direction to zero in on concerning the future freeware development!

fxp6225 提到...


Kyle Huang 提到...

Hi Janet, you are also welcome to visit my Web 2.0 site. You will find more tools there!http://chungkaii.blogspot.com/

Unknown 提到...

I tried out this after seeing you recommended it, but again it's not too handy for me and if the system crashes or the internet is down, there is no way to get those docs. immediately. At UvA, we have more than 30,000 e-journals available for the students, that's a very impressive number and we can download the articles from whatever journal we are searching. Do you have the same at UT Austin?

Kyle Huang 提到...

To chiayueh, UT has a strong database of e-journals. With my UT EID, I can easily download the online journals that UT has subscribed. If not, I can request an interlibrary loan and the librarian will locate the targeted article(s) from other US universities based on my needs.

hueijhenji 提到...

I usually send my files to my mailbox or save files in USB. Aftering learning about Google Docs, I think it is very convinent and useful to me. Sometimes, I'd love to share my files with others, but I sould open my mailbox or USB to do that. Now, I don't need to do that, because my friends have ideas about what my files are by Google Docs.

司馬征途 提到...

Google Docs can reduce my writing time!!! Although I think that the "Word" is occupied the most position of the document processing softwares, but the apperence of the" Google Docs" can change that!

First, " Google Docs" is FREE for Everyone~.

Second. you can just modify your grama mistakes and vacabulary speelings on the internet RIGHT NOW~.

At last, Microsoft Office Word IS TOO HARD TO LEARN and USE~.

So I believe that " Google Docs" will be more popular in the future~

Teddy 提到...

Google is a good search engine I've ever used. It's better than Yahoo, I think.

Zheng-Yan's Blogger 提到...

I am the new user, and I think this tool supply multiple functions because it can create basic documents from scratch and upload my existing files.

Unknown 提到...

I think this is a really great web for some one who needs to have a presentation. They could find many demos on this web. This may give them some ideals.

Molly 提到...

I am a new user and I tried Google Form last week. I think it's easy to use. Actually,I don't even know this tool called "Google Docs" before I apply for account of Google. Now I think Google is a good tool for searching information and "Google Docs" is also a useful and great tool for create or store my documents. I think i will keep to use it.

White Cat 提到...

Google Docs is a useful function for me. It helps me to organize my documents and share with my families and friends.

Selina 提到...

I don't use Google Cocs, and I also don't how to use this tool. I think I will try to use the tool.

soleil 提到...

I never use Google Docs before, but I will try this tool to share some articles to everyone. On the other hand , I can know what native speaker how to write their documents, articles,and essays. All people can correct the grammar of my articles, and I think it is a good way to practice my english writing.

Johnny 提到...

Google documents is a very useful for me as a new user. There are lots of different function for me to use and learn as well. I hope I can use it well.