2007年11月3日 星期六

Topic 2: ESL/EFL writing and blogs

Have you ever used blogs for composing your writing? What's your impression of them? How do you like them? Do you feel you learn more when you write in a blog compared to the traditional paper-based writing? Do you think these online tools facilitate process writing (brainstorming, editing, revising, and publishing)?

43 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Actaully, I don't think a blog did do much with writing. However, if people write article everyday in their blog, it indeed do help. It's because of the practice, not from contribution of blog. Of course, the motivation to building a good blog may have good influence on developing writing skill since it might encourage people to do more practice. That's my opinion.

想念大海的雲 提到...

I have blogs, actually two blogs. One is private blogs and the other is public one. I use MSN live space for private one because it has better control in privacy. And I use blog-yam (Chinese one) as public blog because I like its setup and the integration of albums, musics and articles. However, now I am thinking to transfer the public one to blogger or wordpress. Blogger is good because its freedom and may it could be integrated better with other products from google, such as Picasa, google calendar… But, wordpress is better designed. I cannot decide which one is better and the old one is also not bad ot use. So I am still wondering what I am going to do next.
I do not feel significant difference between writing in a blog and traditional writing. Maybe it is because I have been addicted to computer from long time ago. I do not exactly know what is traditional writing. I think the significant difference is not in writing itself but in the way it broadcasts and publishs.
I have blogs, but I never write in English in my blogs. So I don’t know…

Kyle Huang 提到...

Hi, Li-chung, I can see you point. If learners can well utilize the platform, write constantly and invite his/her peer to give feedback, writing will be a fun thing. Additionally, blogs allow us to embed different types of multimedia (audio, video, animation, etc), which makes the whole writing process more compelling and attractive, doesn't it?

Kyle Huang 提到...

Hey, Gene. Your post struck me as very interesting since it reminds me of the issue of usability. I usually evaluate a freeware in terms of interface, information, and interaction design. Blogs do have many good features out of the three elements. I am wondering maybe you could try to write in English in your blogs from now on.

yilings 提到...

Before entering the university, I don't have the experience of using Internet to write articles. After using it, I find that it is very easy and useful. I also think it's necessary to combine writing with technology. Also, everyone can make a comment on the blog.

onlywrite 提到...

I have a writing blog because the teacher asked. But I think it can help me increase my writing ability. I did not like at begining. But now I think it maybe not too bad.

Evelyn 提到...

When I was in my sophomore year, I have already tried to use blog to composing my writing. Because I was not familiar with this kind of tool, I thought it costs much time. Howerver, it still has advantages. My classmates and I could change ideas or do peer revising. It's a special experience.

yiwen 提到...

I think I can improve my writing ability through blog.Unlike traditional paper writing, blog writing can not only provides a way to practice my writing but I can spend more time on it since it is my own blog on net that anyone can read my writing.

vulcanelf 提到...

I think a blog is good for people to share everything. People can make friends by using blogs. Compare with traditional writing, it is more convenient and easy to preserve our writings.

Kyle Huang 提到...

Hi, Yilings, Evelyn, Yiwen, Vulcanelf, Maybe blogs can be our heirlooms. When we are old, we can pass what we write to our children and grandchildren, and they may get to know how crazy or fun their parents/grandparents are. Just my funky idea! Right now, let’s focus on EFL writing and see how we can benefit from it!

Greta 提到...

I think writing in the blog is very interesting. We can share our experience to other people. And the point is, we are not just write for ourselves. In the internat,everybody can be a author. And i was happy that everytime when I get a new good comment. I think it can really improve my wruting skill, and also is a motive power let me want to keep writing.

Teacher Joni's student Greta.

Kyle Huang 提到...

Yeah,Greta, everyone can be an author on the net. I remember "酪梨壽司" published her blog into a book regarding her study and adventure in NYC. Her episodes struck me as very interesting and reminded me of my old days at Columbia University. http://blog.pixnet.net/cwyuni

Minima 提到...

Actually, I seldom heve chance to use blogs to compose my writing. However, since I take the course of CALL, teacher asks us to set-up our own blogs, the public space to ahsre my ideas and experiences about learning and teaching. I like this way to compose my writing. To compare with the traditional paper-based writing, post articals in the blog is more convient. You don't need to wait for your teacher's revise. When you writing in blog, computer also has the function of editing your grammar mistakes and revising them automatically. It can also help us to improve our writing. Through the Internet, blog is the space that everyone can share and exchange their opions. That can also help us to brainstorming.

Minima 提到...

Actually, I seldom heve chance to use blogs to compose my writing. However, since I take the course of CALL, teacher asks us to set-up our own blogs, the public space to ahsre my ideas and experiences about learning and teaching. I like this way to compose my writing. To compare with the traditional paper-based writing, post articals in the blog is more convient. You don't need to wait for your teacher's revise. When you writing in blog, computer also has the function of editing your grammar mistakes and revising them automatically. It can also help us to improve our writing. Through the Internet, blog is the space that everyone can share and exchange their opions. That can also help us to brainstorming.

vicky41129 提到...

Hello, my name is Vicky. I studied both English and education in PU. Since I have lots of chances using blogs or something which can help to communicate which others, I try my best to understand Internet Technology more.

Emily 提到...

To write a dairy or blog daily do help building writing skills, both first or foreign language.Personal experiences on reading and learning vocabulary are the foundation of composing his/her writing.It is not neccessarily related to the media he composes his writing.However, from my point of view, writing a blog somehow help composing writing as some tools help to check grammar or spelling.Last but not the least, blog is a very important channel between the writers and the readers. Readers' feedbacks are very important to the writers.These feedback might help writers to improve their writing skills.

月ㄦ 提到...

I have my own blog. Everyday I visit my friends' blog and respond my opinion. I think it is a good idea to see other's thinking.

rosalie 提到...

Using blog to write is a great way to practice your writing skills and blog also can be a place for people to exchange information.

鴿子 提到...

That's not a nice way to improve Eng skill. And sometimes we see others opinion without knowing the background

Angela 提到...

Hi, I am a colleage stutent. Also, I major the department of English, but my wriiting is stiil poor. I don't like writting because I can't use English very well to express what I mean. And ther are a number of grammar ruls and vocabulary, I have to rotely learn it. It reduce my motivation.

Joyce 提到...

Hi, I have blogs as well. And I have both Chinese and English. Actually, I post more in my Chinese one. Sometimes I would post English. I think when I post English blog, I would be more concentrate on grammar. Because everyone can see my blog, if I have wrong-spelling, I’ll be very embarrassed. That means, from blog writing, I can learn more English. That’s cool. Compare to traditional writing, i can get more response from the Internet. So i think it's a good way to write.

皇宮小圓球 提到...

I have two blogs. Most of the time I use my blogs to share my own opinion but I think it's also useful to do writing in blog, because that others can revise your composition or leave some comments or suggestion to you.

selina413 提到...

I think writing in the blog let me get progress in compostions. Comparing to the traditional writing in papers, I think writing in the blog have more interaction with other. That is, you can visit other people's blog, and the other people will do the same. Maybe they would give you some opinions, thus you can improve you composition. In additon to, I think writing in blog is interesting than in the writing. Because I can share my articles with other.

pisces227 提到...

I have a blog of myself. My teacher teaches me use the computer to write our composition. At first time, I feel its trouble for me. But after a long time, I find I can write my composition quickly and easily. And my classmates can give comments for me on the line. I think it is a way to learn with each other. Writing on the computer is fresh for student now; it not only combined the learning but also the teaching and the technology.

pisces227 提到...
mia 提到...

I also have a blog for completing English writing class homework. It's an interesting way of learning. It is an very different way from the traditional teaching-learning way.
I would be more concentrated on my English compositions, because it is an interesting way of learning. I also record my voice and update to my blog, and it enrich my blog . Teacher also can check the achieved percentage of student’s updating homework and mark the correction on students’ compositions anytime. Therefore, it is a convenient tool for teacher too. However, there's a big problem which is hard to be overcame. If the Internet has some problem or computer is broken, and teacher and students can't find a solution immediately, then both of them can’t finish their works.

javiera 提到...

I have dos blog. Sometimes I write some article to share my opinion and what I want in my blog. sometimes when I find some good article in other blogs, I will ask the author that can I download their articles and share them on my blog with the web site. Those authors have agreed with me.

If I have a free time, I like to write some article on my blog because my friends can know my life with my blog.

Jessie 提到...

I have blogs just like everyone else. I used to spent lots of times in blogs, but later I feel it's a little bit wasting times. So, I am lazy to run a blog now(haha). Still,use blogs have many advantages. For me, I can find a lot of information or comments about cosmetics and I like to read others articles. But Blogs have some faults like if the website was break or shut down; the things we write might be missing. Or some of our writing might incur some people's criticism. That's a part of the reason that I don't use my blog a lot.

英四c 林小怡 494413045 提到...

i think writing on a blog is a good way to practice writing. People can correct your grammar and make some comments about your writings.

Unknown 提到...

I always write my composition on the internet. I think its very convenient for me. And it saves a lot of my time. I can revise and edit in quick way. I like it.

camilla's blog 提到...

I feel I can learn more in writing a blog compared to the traditional paper-based writing. For me, it always best to write about something I know and are enthusiastic about in blog. Because everytime when I have good ideas about everyday experiences, I can type them in my own blog as soon as possible. As apposed to the traditional paper-based writing, it seems much more difficult to keep the ideas for a long time. In addition, it is great chance to practice my speed of typing. I enjoy the time I type my happiness or sharing in my blog.

YingYing 提到...

Well, I set up my blog recently, and I find writing my opinion online is quite interesting. At the beginning, I feel embarrassed to write my comments on the websites; however, I change my attitude toward this bad emotion, because using technology has become a trend. If combine learning, teaching with technology, learners will acquire different learning strategies.

pearchan 提到...

I have my own blog,too. I think that blog is very interesting. It is a place where I can share my ideas with others on the Internet. By writing something down on the biog, I can train my composition ability. Besides, I can talk about every topic I like on my blog, and meet anyone who has the same interest with me.

Peggy's Blog 提到...

I think wiki is a great tool for practicing English writing. Since I learn to use this on-line resources I make a great progress than before I use it. Writing on-line is very casual and free that I can type down my feelings and something happiness or sorrow. I think I will keep to use this good tool !

我的網誌 提到...

I have my own blog, I think write blog can make me think more. Sometimes I will use blog to share my feelings, it makes my writing progress.

shambu 提到...

Having blogs and writing online is very popular, and it is a stream in nowadays. I go with the stream too. When I am free, I surf on the internet and read others’ blogs. Some write their feeling in blog, such as diaries; some post information in blog, like there will be an exhibition in museum. And sometime, after writing in blog there are some comments about feedback to my writing and according to this, I improve my writing skill. So I feel I learn more when I write in a blog compared to the traditional paper-based writing.

彭郁葳 提到...

I enjoy writing my feelings or funny things in blog. By doing this, I can share my happiness and sometimes get helpful advices from other people. But when it comes to learning formal writing skills or grammars, writing on blogs is not an efficient way. It can only promote my writing interest, because I can write whatever I like to. If I really want to facilitate process writing, I would like to take a writing class at school and ask teacher to give me a hand.

Zheng-Yan's Blogger 提到...

Yes,I have ever used blogs for composing my writing. I think that I can use a blog to write my thinking. I like them very much because I can share my writing with others. Yes, I feel learn more when I write in a blog compared to the traditional paper-based writing because I can get the feedback form others. Yes, I think these online tools facilitate process writing because we have more functions through internet.

White Cat 提到...

I have ever used blogs for composing my writing. I think writing in blog everyday could helps me improving my writing ability. It helps to clean out the information in order and review it again to reinforce my memory. Online tools encourage people to do more brainstorming and practicing.

Picca Qiu 提到...

Blogs encourage people to express whatever they want. It's convenient as well as cheap. Moreover, it enables us to post our favourite photos and music to share with others which I think is really cool. I do agree that blogs encourage people write but in most case they write with their mother tongue not a foreign language. Therefore, the use of blogs for ESL/EFL writing needs futher investigation.

Picca Qiu 提到...
Selina 提到...

I can improve my English writing by using blog to write something. I like to use Wikispaces, it's really good for use.

soleil 提到...

I like to compose my writing in my blog. Writing something in my life is a good way to practice to write a organized article. I like to share my reflection or ideas about what I want to say or what I learn in my daily life, because I like to make myself have more creativities in writing. Blog is the most convenient way to write many articles and it will not waste too much paper to write down anything. By the way, people shouldn't use too much paper so that anyone of us can protect the earth.