2007年11月3日 星期六

Topic 5: ESL/EFL writing and YouTube

Youtube released the Chinese interface recently. Did you know this good news? As an IT(Instructional Technology) major, I use it quite often to search for information about the different topics for my projects. I am sure Youtube is of great help for EFL writing. You may find many interesting topics or use people's feedback as writing prompts. Please let me know your opinion of this online resource.

49 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

I have already known YouTube release the Chinese interface recently.
But I often look for MTV with it . I do not know how to practise the writing of English with it

Pie 提到...

Hello, I'm Hengta Hsu. I have already know the news. And I really feel very happy. Youtube is a very convenient equipment that I can find a lot of information on it. I can find the cartoon I had watched in childhood, and lots of fashion show on it. It is such a important tool that I can't imagine how life would be without it.

想念大海的雲 提到...

I likt youtube, too. However, it is another media which can broadcast yourself, with image, without text.
The only things you need to write probably is the topic and the reply. They are just very short sentence.I wonder how could it help. And after the Chinese's verison was released,we can a little bit get rid of English.Thanks Stevn Chen..^^

Kyle Huang 提到...

Youtube can be cycled as writing prompts for ESL/EFL learners. I am sure writing from a clip or animation will be fun compared with traditional paper-based form. Note that there are many knowledge-based clips about ESL/EFL learning on Youtube. Just search for it and enjoy the adventure, but don't get addicted!

onlywrite 提到...

I love Youtube so much. There are many kinds of interesting things. Funny short films always make me happy. There are also a lot of MTV and songs. And it is a good media to convey information.

Evelyn 提到...

Nowadays, Youtube is becoming more and more popular. With Youtube, people can exchange information easily, so I also like it.

yiwen 提到...

I went to Youtube to watch some MTV, but mow I would try to use it to figure out other interesting events.

By the way, after I visited this blog, I think your blog teaches people a lot about technology tools, just lke me. It's very nice for you to provide a good space for those who are interested in not only English learning but those who like to do some things through amazing and convenient tools. Keep going!

Carolyn 提到...

We often watch many interesting films from YouTube where you can find various films. I think it may use in my writigs in some topics.

Kyle Huang 提到...

Hi Mia, Evelyn, Yiwen, and Carolyn, I am wondering if you get any group project(s) that require you to play a skit or drama. Youtube will be a good platform for you to upload your clip(s) and get feedback from your peer. Please check with the language center at CSMU for the equipment (camcorder, tripod). Try to videotape one as the sample work and let me know how it works. Sounds COOL!

yilings 提到...

We can see YouTube everywhere in mordern times. Also, it's really a good thing to make use because we can get a lot of information from it.

vulcanelf 提到...

I think YouTube is very popular. It transmits information very fast. People in the world can easy to share everything on YouTube. I don't konw it's good for my writing. I will try to use YouTube to improve my writing ability.

Kyle Huang 提到...

Hi, Yilings and Vulcanelf, I remember my college English teacher ever told me that in this media era we must learn to utilize the available resources and mobilize our experience so as to construct meaningful learning. I am sure we are now gearing toward such a goal, aren't we?

Granger 提到...

Ha~ I also use Youtube often. Last week my friend sent me a list of interesting vedios from Youtube, I can't help keep watching and watching, almost forgot to study for the mid-term...@@ Well, it's really useful to us not only for fun but for getting and learning lots of information from it. I like Youtube!!!!

Kyle Huang 提到...

YouTube is fascinating, but still need to take care of your study, granger sweetie!

Gary Liao 提到...

Yes, I knew Chinese YouTube interface. I visit YouTube almost every day. It's fabulous! I'm used to watch MV, and sports video. I love to watch tennis or NBA highlights. I sometimes watch video clips of US TV series. If it's a good show, I'll finish it by getting a while season show. By the way, TV series help me a lot in learning English. Recently, I just finished a 4-seasons TV series without any subtitles!! It improves English ability a lot. Of course, most improvement on listening not writing. Did I digress??

Gary Liao 提到...

The sixth line...a whole season show...typo ^o^

Kyle Huang 提到...

Hi Gary, could you introduce some clips that are worthy of watching? And do you use any way to help your listening? Can they be transformed in writing as well? Please share more with us!

Unknown 提到...

Actually, when I think of youtube, I think of entertainment. It never occurred to me that youtube could be used for improving English writing.

However, in fact, I have used a lot of the materials in youtube to teach English--to train the students' listening skills. There are a lot of English songs or interviews posted on Yourtube. But for English writing?? Well, I will find some time to check that out.

tillie 提到...

youtube it's really amazing!!I think it can let us search more and more the imformation that we want!!

Gary Liao 提到...

Here is a videoclip of FRIENDS. The episode is about when everybody finds out Chandler and Monica's relation, but they try to pretned no one knows and fooling with each other until Chandler told the truth. Friends a good show where I can learn English because it's not difficult and hilarious!^^

Kyle Huang 提到...

To Gary, I used to watch friends a lot when I was studying at Columbia University in NYC. Nowadays my free cable can only get Sex and the city and Will and Grace. They are also interesting sitcoms to practice my English listening and learn some slangy words.

萊恩 提到...

You tube is good tool

for everyone to see every kinds of

movies and musics

甜心裡的螢火蟲 提到...

hello,I'm yiying Lin from Taichung.For me youtube is a very helpful tools,
I always use it to search some vedios about English instruction(ex:phonics TPR or writing),Through this way,
pupils feel so exciting that can learn English very quickly .
youtube helps me a lot,oh, I love it!

rosalie 提到...

hi!it's such a wonderful blog!

Frances 提到...

I jointed into YouTube recently. Many people including my classmates to research the materials through the website of YouTube just because it offers many kinds of videos. Besides, we can learn the target language(English) by the comments.

Fran 提到...

YouTube is really a very useful and good website. It is not only provide entertaining function. YouTube also provide educatinal function, users can learn many things from it.

Angela 提到...

Hi, I am Angela. I have already know the news. And I am glad that YouTube has the resources. It is a very convenient equipment that I can find a lot of information on it. Besides writing, it is also have a teacher channel and I think it is also a good tool.

Trista 提到...

I used to search the TV show that I am interested on the Youtube. Recently, I will use it to search the videos that I need to improve my class report. I think Youtube uses the unique way to let people learn various things with it, because I never think that videos can help my learning before I understand the function of Youtube. I hope Youtube can develop more ways to help people for learning in the future.

selina413 提到...

I think "Youtube" is convenient and interesting for ESL/EFL learning. Because we can use it's video or flim to learn. Besides, there has a lot informations, you can find any kind of visual material in this platform.

Sunny 提到...

I think that YouTube release the Chinese interface can makes us eaier to operate it. We can konw a lot of informantion and culture from other foreign people , and I think it is useful to our writing.

Michelle 提到...

Actually, I usually search the information from the Youtube where has a lot of resources. When I make a report or write an article, I will search the related videos to find and create inspirations. On the other hand, I also post the interesting and useful video from the Youtube to enrich and enliven my blog or Power Point. Therefore, I think Youtube are very useful for me on writing.

Michelle 提到...
Ellen 提到...

I think Youtube is a good tool to surf some things. I often use Youtube to watch the movies and the dramas. Besides, I use it to watch so the American programs with enhancing my listening ability and Korean drama for the entertainment. But, Youtube has a little problem that is the speed of downliading is a little bit late.

Jill Liang 提到...

My British Literature teacher had used YouTube to show us stories which we had read. It made us understand the content much better. Though this example was not about writing, it still could tell us how useful YouTube is.

Ray Lin 提到...

I think that youtube is a helpful tool for me to enhance my writing ability. That is because it involves lots of information. I can browse through it and get lots of ideas.

匿名 提到...

In my opinion, I think that Youtube is really a good website and a good resource for us to discover. However, as far as I am concerned, I usually use Youtube to search for some interesting videos, and I would not read others' feedbacks very often. I only watch videos. Hence, Youtube cannot be a resource for me to write. Nevertheless, I think teachers can use videos from Youtube as motivations to make students write articles.

匿名 提到...

Recently, youtube is one of popular ways to boardcast yourself.
If we can combine English teaching with a famous technology together,it will improve the teaching skills and also make student feel fresh to get ideas form internet.

匿名 提到...

Recently, youtube is one of popular ways to boardcast yourself.
If we can combine English teaching with a famous technology together,it will improve the teaching skills and also make student feel fresh to get ideas form internet.

匿名 提到...

Recently, youtube is one of popular ways to boardcast yourself.
If we can combine English teaching with a famous technology together,it will improve the teaching skills and also make student feel fresh to get ideas form internet.

匿名 提到...

Recently, youtube is one of popular ways to boardcast yourself.
If we can combine English teaching with a famous technology together,it will improve the teaching skills and also make student feel fresh to get ideas form internet.

匿名 提到...

Recently, youtube is one of popular ways to boardcast yourself.
If we can combine English teaching with a famous technology together,it will improve the teaching skills and also make student feel fresh to get ideas form internet.

I'm amy 提到...

I think "YouTube" was convenient very much, it not only can found different kind information but can helpful tool for me to some different english skill.

YingYing 提到...

In my opinion, I consider YouTube is a great digital information sources. If I want to search some information about pedagogies of English, the YouTube will appear variety teaching data. Then my computer teacher also shows us some videos about learning Chinese from the YouTube. Those videos are filmed by self. So if learners want to learn Chinese they can search many kinds of sources from the YouTube or they can also post their teaching videos on it.

Megan 提到...

I really like the equipment of YouTube beacuse it provides various of information for us not only some MV/ Music but manys videos about teaching. Also, there are some intersting sitcoms to practice English. YouTube is popular nowadays and we can see it everywhere in modern times. YouTube also provide educatinal function, users can learn many things from it.

IvyWang 提到...

Youtube is more and more popular than before, and I usually ues it to see some films like Japanese soap opeas or cartoons. However, I don't know how to integrate ESL/EFL writing into youtube. There are many internet implements that I don't know, but I know the informations throughout someone's blog. I am very appreciated you share them and tell us.

Zheng-Yan's Blogger 提到...

I know this good news. I think it is the good online resourse because I can search much information from it.

White Cat 提到...

I am so glad that Youtube released Chinese interface recently. I use it for a long time, but sometimes I do not know how to operate some functions of it. Youtube is real a good helping tools for us in EFL writing. If I have no ideas in writing, I will surf on Youtube to find topics I am interesting. Moreover, watching others opinions under videos is quite interesting, too.

Selina 提到...

I like Youtube very much. I can listen to a lot of music and watch vedios. It is really convenient.

soleil 提到...

I like to use YouTube very much, and I use it very often. I love to search everything I want to see or know in the YouTube. YouTube can satisfy my visual and auditory sensation.